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Water Towers

Water Towers
Water Towers

SOLES TECH is the exclusive applier of Soles patented technologies for reinforced pre-compressed concrete water towers construction. The tanks of the SOLES reservoirs are manufactured at ground level and are then progressively raised up to their operational level (even over forty meters in height) with the use of special hydraulic jacks at the same time as the construction of the underpinning column.

The shape of the tank, in its essential outline, is the result of very sophisticated calculations and of unprecedented technological breakthroughs.

The SOLES Water Towers, thanks to the use of high-resistance steel wires, offer exceptional mechanical resistance with a reduced thickness of the structure; while at the same time offering remarkable financial savings.

It is an ecologically-friendly and economical construction. Through the filling of the tank at night, energy expenses are diminished. Additionally, since its functions are according to simple laws of Physics, the towers have no need for maintenance. The tower has been planned to withstand even the seismic phenomena. It represents a safe reservoir of water to be used in case of natural calamities.

The SOLES Concrete Water Towers have become leaders in this sector because of their recognized reliability.


Soles Technology®

50 years of experience in the field of geotechnical and structural engineering